Our policy is to offer the OPTIMAL PRICE without  discount.

Payment systems

- Credit card payment . All transactions arranged through this website are guaranteed 100% secure. All operations involving the transmission of personal or bank particulars are made in a secure environment - the SSL system (Secure Socked Layer) - through the relevant bank. All information transmitted is coded before going onto the network.
Similarly, all the data you give on your credit card are not stored in any database: they go directly to the Point-of-Sale Terminal (PST) at the bank.

To increase safety, at the end of the process, your bank will send you a code via SMS wich you will have to introduce in order to autorize the operation.

- Payment throught Bizum. The APP to pay with your mobile in a comfortable and safe way.

- Bank transfer payment to the account that will be indicated at the end of the purchase.

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